سياسة الجودة
إنَّ الجودة هي الأساس فيما يتعلَّق بتقديم الخدمات إلى عملائنا دون أي انقطاع فيها. ومن الأمور الأساسية لتحقيق طموحنا الحفاظ على الأصفار الخمسة في محطة إنتاج الكهرباء وإنتاج البخار والماء المستقلة (IWSPP 5zeros)، لذا يجب أن يكون ذلك جزءًا لا يتجزَّأ من أدائنا. ونطلب من جميع الموظفين أن يشاركوا معنا بجدية بهذه المبادئ، وذلك لإدراك مسؤوليتهم والالتزام والامتثال للمعايير والسياسات والإجراءات ذات الصلة، بما في ذلك العوامل التالية:
• تعزيز إجراءات عقلية الجودة بهدف تقديم الخدمات بدون أي أخطاء أو عيوب من قبل الموظفين وشركاء الأعمال لدينا.
• نراجع أنفسنا باستمرار لتحسين خطة الجودة والإجراءات التي نعمل بها لإزالة العيوب ومنع الحوادث. ونشجِّع الموظفين على المشاركة لتعزيز هذه التحسينات.
• اعتماد نظام قائم على العمليات والمخاطر لضمان الجودة، واستدامة التحسين، وتقديم أداء أعمال متميِّز.
• تنمية مسؤوليات الجودة بين الموظفين وشركاء الأعمال من خلال دمج المعايير والتدريب والإشراف والتواصل الفعَّال.
• تجاوز توقعات العملاء وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين من خلال النظر بشكل منهجي في المتطلبات والاستمتاع بإسعاد الطرف المعني.
• تنفيذ نظام لخطة تحسين الجودة المُنظَّمة من خلال تحديد أهداف الجودة السنوية، وأداء مراجعات التقييم الدورية، وتحديد الإجراءات التصحيحية المطلوبة للتعامل مع فرص التحسين الممكنة.
• التحقُّق من فعالية أنظمة الجودة من خلال عمليات التدقيق الداخلي والخارجي وفقًا للمعايير الدولية وضمان الموافقة على نتائج التدقيق في الوقت المناسب.
Business Continuity Policy
The stated mission for RAWEC is to ‘Help power our customers competitive advantage for the long term’.
We understand that to achieve this we must manage our risks and ensure that our business is resilient. Our priorities are to protect our interests and the interests of our client and stakeholders, as well as ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees. These interests are paramount and must be maintained even in the most challenging circumstances.
We commit to comply with all applicable customer standards, specifications, local regulatory and legal requirements applicable to our nature of business.
It is therefore vital that all our businesses implement practical, cost-effective, and robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to address any major threat or incident that could interrupt our business, and which will:
• Commit to RAWEC Vision and Mission
• Protect and sustain RAWEC reputation and shareholder value of the business
• Maintain continuity of products and services in support of our customers
• Enable the achievement of RAWEC objectives.
RAWEC Business Continuity Management (BCM) is an essential management discipline that provides resilience against disruption and must be embedded within all our key operational activities.
Top management is committed to meet legal and regulatory requirements and continually improve the business continuity management system.
Asset Management Policy
Rabigh Arabian Water & Electricity Company (RAWEC) acknowledges our responsibility to provide utilities to the Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh).
We are aware of the importance of ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, and water to the Petro Rabigh facility. It is with this in mind that RAWEC is committed to preserving our assets and applying a reliable Asset Management process to our plant. We have developed and implemented an Asset Management System (AMS) to the requirements of the ISO 55001:2014 Standard in order that we may meet our Asset Management (AM) objectives.
We also acknowledge that the safety and health of our employees, contractors, visitors, and other interested parties throughout our operations and premises is paramount. We recognize that we face a range of Occupational Health, Safety, Environment and Asset risks in our business and that we all have a responsibility to actively work to manage these throughout our operations.
We are driven by our brand promise “We Always Deliver” by adopting our “Five Zeros” philosophy:
• Zero Lost Time Injury.
• Zero Service Interruption.
• Zero Human Error.
• Zero Non-compliance.
• Zero Poor Performers.
Our AMS sets the expectations for conducting our business in a consistent, reliable, and responsible way. We shall strive to adopt robust AM strategies in order to operate our plant as effectively and efficiently as possible by:
- Senior Management demonstrate their commitment by integrating AM requirements into the decision-making processes during all phases of our operations and providing suitable resources to ensure the successful implementation of our AMS.
- Identifying, understanding, and effectively managing our asset lifecycles and in so doing striving to enhance the integrity of our assets including the safety, health of our employees and all stakeholders.
- We shall ensure that we comply with all applicable legislation and the requirements of ISO 55001:2014 standard to which we subscribe.
- Setting specific AM objectives and strategies, reviewing progress, and use the results to continually improve our performance. Our core AM objective, and principle is to implement effective Preventive Maintenance (PM) plans, Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and Reliability of Supply strategies to all our assets on the plant as applicable.
- The Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the RAWEC facility is outsourced to Rabigh Power Company (RPC). RPC has therefore become our active partner in ensuring the success of our Asset Management System (AMS) and fulfilling our Asset Management (AM) strategies, objectives, and targets.
We shall demonstrate that our AMS including this policy remains fit for purpose by regularly reviewing it as required but at least annually and thereby striving for continual improvement.
To achieve AM success as a company requires all our business partners, employees, contractors, stakeholders, and other interested parties to work together. By embracing our APS approach (Asset, People & Systems) to implement and sustain performance and by accepting our individual responsibilities, we will have an effective AM culture and performance that we can be proud of.